13. Chat

In this chapter you will learn a new way of syncing information between players. This method was designed for chat messages and similiar things.

For this we use the so called CHAT (Custom Handler for Advanced Traffic) Interface. You will learn how to use it in this chapter and can find more advanced usages of it in chapter Bonus 5 - RPC.

First, let’s create an object ``htme_obj_chat``.

We are storing messages in the variable message. Or at least the last message sent by a player. Then we are syncing it via the engine, and the local instance of that object will loop through all chat instances, like we learned when creating the chat overlay. It will then look for new messages in our “inboxes”, and add them to a list that contains all messages.

13.1. Adding a CHAT handler

Create a Create-Event and add the following code:


//Setup variables
self.output = ds_list_create();

`mp_syncAsChatHandler <functions/chat/mp_syncAsChatHandler>`__. This function registers the object to be a sender and reciever for string messages for the chanel Chat. `mp_sync <functions/chat/mp_sync>`__ is not needed here. We won’t be syncing the object itself, only messages. But you’ll see what that means in a second.

The ds_list ouput is used to store all chat messages.

13.2. Sending a message.

We are going to send a message when the player presses the C-key. Create a press C-key Event:

self.str_id = get_string_async("Send a chat message:","");

This script uses ``get_string_async`` to ask the player for the chat message. If you never used that before, things might be a bit complicated, so let me explain:

get_string_async displays an input box where the player can input text without locking the game, like get_string would do. That’s important, because the client or server will loose connection, if the game is locked.
Instead of returning the message, get_string_async returns a number, that we need to store. Inside the Dialog Event, which can be found under Asynchronous we are retrieving the message:
///Process the message the player typed in
var i_d = ds_map_find_value(async_load, "id");
if (i_d == self.str_id) {
   if (ds_map_find_value(async_load, "status")) {
      if (ds_map_find_value(async_load, "result") != "") {
         var message = ds_map_find_value(async_load, "result");
         //Send the message using the CHAT Interface.

This may seem a bit complicated, the code checks that the message entered was valid, but the important code is the code in the most inner if-clause.

var message = ds_map_find_value(async_load, "result"); retrieves the message and writes it to the local variable message.

Using `mp_chatSend(message) <functions/chat/mp_chatSend>`__ we are now sending this message to all players. It will also be sent to ourself.

13.3. Recieving messages

Messages are stored in a ds_queue, which is filled when new messages arrived. We will be checking every step if new messages arrived.

In the step event, add the following code:

if htme_isStarted() {
    var queue = mp_chatGetQueue();
    while (ds_queue_size(queue) > 0) {
        var raw_message = ds_queue_dequeue(queue);

The first line uses mp_chatGetQueue to get the queue of messages and then we loop through it until it is empty. ds_queue_dequeue will get the oldest message in the queue and remove it from the queue.

This message however is “encoded”, so we now use two functions to decode it:

var sender = htme_chatGetSender(raw_message);
var message = htme_chatGetMessage(raw_message);

htme_chatGetSender and htme_chatGetMessage will, as their name might suggest, return the author of the message (the hash of the player) and the sended message.

So now we have the message. What now?
As you may remember, we gave all our player objects names. We want to display the sent message together with the name of the player.
To do that, we first have get the name of the player object using the player hash:
var player_instance = htme_findPlayerInstance(htme_obj_player,sender);
 if (player_instance != -1) {
     var name = (player_instance).name;
 } else {
     var name = "(Someboy in another room)";

This is the same as in the chapter 9, so check this page of the tutorial for more information.

The last thing we do, is we add the message we recieved to the list we created in the create event, together with who sent it, seperated by a ”:”.

        //Add to list of chat output
        ds_list_add(self.output,name+": "+message);

13.4. Display the chat.

To display the chat, put the following code into the draw-event:

//Get an offset, so we draw the newest line on bottom
var size = ds_list_size(self.output);
var bottomLine = room_height-50;
var offset = size*20;

for(var i = 0;i<size;i++) {
    var line = ds_list_find_value(self.output,i);

That draw event is not essential part of the engine, so I’m not explaining it here. It basically loops over the output list and displays each line.

We are done. Have fun testing it out!

13.5. Private messages

You can also send private messages to certain players. mp_chatSend supports a second argument, where you can use the hash of a player to only sent your messages to specific players. Try it out!