2. Basic configuration

In this tutorial we want to make a simple platformer with some neat little extras to demonstrate what GMnet ENGINE can do. Our platformer will have:

  • Walls/Players/Physics (not Box2D) (obviously)
  • Multiple rooms
  • An overlay that shows connected players
  • A night and day cycle
  • A basic chat system

2.1. Adding the engine to a project

Before we can get started, add the asset to an empty project. Depending on what you want to do, you have three options.

  • If you want to follow this tutorial yourself, you should add ALL scripts and sprites and the object obj_htme to your project.
  • If you want to just read through this tutorial and test the demo game, simply add everything.
  • When starting completely blank or when you want to add the engine to your own game, add all folders named htme and udphp but not the htme_demo folders.

2.2. Configuration

Great! No matter what option you chose, you propably want to take a look at the initiation and configuration, so let me walk you through.

Before we look at the configuration we check the initiation script. The init can be found in ``scripts/htme/htme_init``.

The first thing you’ll find under initiation is randomize();. That assures that the random operations Game Maker does are truly random, which is important for the engine. This is good to know when you make your game. Thats all for the initiation for now. Let’s go to configuration.

The configuration can be found in ``scripts/htme/htme_config``.

First you see debug level. Valid options can be found in the enum htme_debug and how debugging works is explained in the comment. Leave it on the default option for now.

The next thing is gmversionpick. Depending on what version of game maker you are using you may need to change this. If you use above 1.4.1567 set this value to 1. If you use 1.4.1567 or below set this value to 3. If you set it to 3 you need to go to htme_serverStart and comment this line:

switch (gmversionpick)
    // You maybe dont got network_create_socket_ext just add // in front of it
    //case 1: self.socketOrServer = network_create_socket_ext(network_socket_udp,port); break;
    case 2: self.socketOrServer = network_create_socket(network_socket_udp); break;
    case 3: self.socketOrServer = network_create_server(network_socket_udp,port,maxclients); break;
    default: htme_error_message_handler("Go to script: htme_serverStart and decomment the one you use!");

This is because if you use 1.4.1567 or below you dont got the network_create_socket_ext function.

Let’s skip ahead to ``self.global_timeout``. That’s actually the only important configuration option and even that can stay on default if you want. Timeout specifies after how many steps of inactivity the connection between client and server will die and you will be disconnected. The default is 5*room_speed which basicly means 5 seconds. When client and server don’t communicate to each other for 5 seconds, they are considered to be disconnected.

So yeah that was all there is to configure for now.

Follow the next steps of the configuration. They will explain how GMnet ENGINE (or GMnet PUNCH to be precise) enables you to connect to other players even behind a firewall.